Wednesday, December 12

My oh my...

where did a month go???  We've been busy since James was discharged from the hospital.  Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas photos and decorating and a hunting trip have kept us busy this past month.  James still struggles with low blood counts.  He is weak and rests often but overall, he is doing well.  It is my prayer he will stay healthy and out of the hospital for the Christmas festivities.  Home health comes weekly for blood draws and PICC line dressing changes.  This has been a huge blessing as it keep us out of the doctor's office and hospital.  As it is scheduled now, James will see the doc and get his Avastin treatment next Tuesday.

I would like to remind you all to keep your focus on the importance of this season.  Trees, lights, Santa, Elves on shelves are so much fun but please, keep the true meaning of Christmas in your heart and share it with someone.  Christmas changed the world then the world changed Christmas.  The birth of Jesus Christ is why we celebrate Christmas.  Share the real Christmas story with a child!  

Slow down.  Relish the moment with your loved ones.  Cherish every moment.  Love.  Forgive.  Smile.  Give.  Let it go.  Let Him have control!  
This Friday, we celebrate the two year anniversary of James' cancer diagnosis.  I have been blessed to put the experiences of the past two years in writing.  I pray you've been blessed by reading it!  I love you all and hope you know it!


  1. I love reading your post. Hope you know I love you and sure and tell him it brings a smile..i hope it will......

  2. You and James are so very special! God bless you both and May His angels watch over you always~ Thank you for the love you share with everyone and the reminder of the importance of priorities!!! Much love to you both~

  3. I admire you both and your positive attitude. Love you both. Wish we could get together more often. Have a Blessed Christmas. Love you both, Michelle

  4. I love u amy girl, and please let me know if u ever need anything! Love u katiemay

  5. God's blessings to both of you. We love you! Merry Christmas. The Bolts

  6. amy and james - your strength has been an inspiration to all of us that know you and pray for you daily. my loving wishes to you both for a very blessed holiday season and a healthy new year. remember when your shoulders are heavy there are lots of shoulders to share the load. love to both of you always.
    donna adamski
